Our productions currently on International charts


Yahir, dividido entre ciak y rec

Tìtulo onomatopéyico de buen humor para las ùltimas sobre el mejicano. Y tiene su por que.
Benozzo ha apenas regresado de Mèxico D.F. en donde ha grabado las voces del nuevo disco de Yahir, ocupado también en el Set de “Soñaràs”.

Yahir, diviso tra ciak e rec

Titolo onomatopeico da buon umore per le ultime sul messicano. E ha il suo perché.
Benozzo è appena tornato da Mexico D.F. dove ha registrato le voci del nuovo disco di Yahir, impegnato anche sul set di “Soñaràs”.

Yahir, between clapper boards and mic

A cheerful onomatopoeic title for the latest on the Mexican. And not without reason. Benozzo is just back from Mexico D.F. where he recorded the voice parts for of the new album by Yahir, who was also busy on the film set of “Soñaràs”. The young artist was relaxed and concentrated at Estudio 19 right from the first takes. The outlook for the week was good.